miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010



The most popular trend in Venezuela is the blackberrys "Smart Phone".Everyone has a blackberry.

"70% of the BlackBerrys that we sell in Latin America are in Venezuela."

"The Venezuelan market are double those in Brazil and Mexico, together"

Douglas Ochoa. movistar Venezuela

I have nothing wrong with blackberrys but may not be possible that Venezuela's minimum wage is in 1223, 89 Bs and the minimum cost of around easier
BlackBerry 2000. Perhaps, "prefer to buy a BlackBerry to eat?

Venezuelan urban legend

In Venezuela there are many urban legends as: El Silbon, La llorona, El coco and more!

"The Weeping Woman". La Llorona is a popular legend in Venenzuela with many versions extant. The basic story is that La Llorona was a beautiful woman by name of Maria who killed her children. La Llorona in some cases, according to the tale, she will kidnap wandering children or children who disobey their parents.

I do not believe in urban myths, that's why I invite you to listen to Emilio Lovera's jok called El carro de Dracula.

Enjoy :)

Midnight Beauty

Is a ghost from Brazilian folklore. It is believed that she is the ghost of a beautiful woman, most often with red or white clothes. She comes at night, and disappears at midnight. Very beautiful, she is similar to a living young woman and likes to chat with lonely men in bars. She sits next to someone, chats, dances and drinks. Around midnight, she invites her partner to go with her to her home. Charmed, the man enthusiastically accepts the invitation. They walk together and chat happily until a place with a high wall, where she says "Here's where I live, don't you want to stay with me?". The spell disappears and the partner suddenly realizes that he is in front of a cemetery. Before he can say anything, the town clock strikes midnight and the ghost disappears.